Love God and love people
We strive to live our faith in a way that honors God and honors people, teaching the values to our children and community by example.
James 1:27 “True devotion, the kind that is pure and faultless before God the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their difficulties and to keep the world from contaminating us.”
Cultural relevance
We will remain relevant within the local culture. Through observation, interaction, experience and research, Learn4Life will continue to develop cutting-edge resources for the benefit of our children and the community around us.
Financial Integrity
We value financial integrity and commit to be transparent and carefully manage the funds you entrust to us for the benefit of the children and community. We commit to integrity in all areas of our work.
We value transformed lives. When we place our faith in Jesus spiritual transformation begins and permeates all aspects of our lives. We believe that as individuals are changed, communities and towns will be transformed as well.
Honoring human life
We honor human life as a gift from God. We will treat all people as equal before God, caring and respecting their individuality and God given talents.
Servant Leaders
We serve others, especially those we lead. We believe in treating our staff as co-workers in the kingdom of God